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Julia Mister Receives Excellence in Education Award

Each year one teacher from each school is selected to receive the district’s Excellence in Education Award. This prestigious award is given to those who attain high academic achievement for their students, provide exceptional service and leadership at their school, and make a positive difference outside of the classroom and in the community.

Congratulations to Cheatham Elementary School- 7th grade ELA Teacher- Julia Mister. Mrs. Mister was recognized at the district’s annual all-staff celebration last week.

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Cheatham Students Receive Books by Black Authors

As a community school, it is important that Cheatham represents the students and families we serve. This includes ensuring a diverse educational experience, giving insight into the
many cultures present on our campus.

Black History Month offers the perfect opportunity to highlight the values we hold at Cheatham. Every day students learned about influential Black Americans throughout history. They also participated in a door decorating contest. The winning class, Ms. Hermann’s first grade, was given books by Black authors to add to their personal libraries at home. We know that providing access to books by diverse authors gives our students an authentic look at stories that mirror their own lives. We are thankful for the people that help make the education offered at Cheatham one that is inclusive and equitable for all. And, we love celebrating it each and every day!

Thank you to community member Kim Udermuder Domovich for helping to obtain these special books.

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Governing Board Signs Resolution Urging State Legislature to Override Aggregate Expenditure Limit

On Wednesday, February 9, Laveen’s Governing Board unanimously approved a resolution urging the Arizona State Legislature to immediately pass a resolution that singularly, with no other stipulations, overrides the Aggregate Expenditure Limit for the Fiscal Year 2022, and that the Arizona Legislature approves and the Governor signs a new law that provides a permanent solution to the Aggregate Expenditure Limit issue.

Aggregate Expenditure Limit FAQ

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Cheatham Receives Grant to Support Chef in the Garden Program

Cheatham School is the recipient of the Blue Watermelon Project’s Steele Family Foundation Grant to support a  “Chef In The Garden” program.

The Chef in the Garden program provides bi-monthly kits for participating schools to teach students about a particular vegetable, herb, or grain. Kits include aligned curriculum materials that encourage learning through doing.  A local chef is also assigned to lead a lesson, demo, and tasting.

For September, Cheatham received a kit featuring chickpeas. Students learned about chickpeas before making their own flamin’ hot chickpea snack. The beans were planted in the school garden so that students can continue to observe them.


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