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The 2015-2016 school

year has begun for

Cheatham elementary.

We have a lot of new

faces on our campus.

We would like to wel-
come all new and re-
turning students!

We would also like to

welcome our returning

staff as well as our new

staff! Let us introduce

them to you. In Kinder

we have Ms. Fazio and

Mrs. Davies. New to

Cheatham 1st grade is

Ms. Brownell, Ms.

Rinehart, and Ms. Lara.

In 2nd grade we have

Mrs. Andrew, and Ms.

Craig. In 3rd grade

there is Mrs. Maxie, Ms.

Samaniego, and Ms.


Next in 4th grade Ms.

Garcia and Ms.

Conley were eager

to start there new

positions. Ms. Welsh

is new to our 7th

grade staff. Mrs Her-
nandez is excited to

be our new Com-
puter lab teacher

with Mr. Garnett join-
ing us for Band.

In Administration we

want to give a big

Cheatham welcome

to our new Principal

Mr. Andy Wait and

Assistant Principal

Steven Gerace. We

would like to also

welcome our new

Instruction Coaches

Ms. Landrum and

Ms. Mead.