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Complete a Meal Application Today!

We need your help to ensure that crucial programs for your children do not receive cuts in funding as a result of fewer free/reduced-price lunch applications being submitted.

Many of the services we provide such as tutoring, support staff, and access to technology are funded through state and federal grants. This funding is based on the National School Lunch Program Free and Reduced lunch applications we receive from families each year.

Even though your child is currently receiving free meals for the remainder of the school year, we ask you to please take a few minutes to submit an application – even if you think you will not qualify. Every application received is important. Families with approved free or reduced-price lunch applications may also qualify for additional federal benefits such as the Pandemic EBT card.

Please click on and complete your application TODAY on the secure portal. It takes just a few minutes. Paper applications are also available online at our Child Nutrition Services page.

Our eligibility for this funding expires in early January, so we appreciate you completing the application now. Your application will remain active for the first 30 days of the 2021-2022 school year. 

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Construction of New Middle School Building Underway

A new brick and mortar building is being constructed at Cheatham Elementary School to replace the existing modular buildings which house the 7th and 8th Grade classrooms. The new permanent building is 9,200 square feet and features 10 classrooms. It will have an interior corridor and its own restrooms—two components the 15-year-old modular was lacking.

The new building was designed by BWS Architects and constructed by Chasse Building Team. The project was made possible through bond proceeds, approved by voters in 2015.




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Cheatham Revives Campus Gardens with Help from Community Partners

On October 16 Cheatham students spent some time outdoors revitalizing their campus gardens with some new plants and seeds. It was a project that involved numerous community organizations to get off the ground with a long-term vision of creating a community-based school.

“Cheatham is working on establishing a school that works collaboratively with the community to provide a safe space to learn and grow,” Principal Kristi Pashley said. “A perfect place to start is in the existing garden area.  It is a beautiful spot that with a little love can open the door to an array of learning experiences and community partners.”

The school partnered with, an organization that teaches self sufficient lifestyles, to get the project started. founder Quita Jackson reached out to the Arizona Worm Farm which donated six 5×5 garden beds.  Arcadia Color Garden Nursery donated the plants and seeds, “We love to see them get their hands in the soil, see the sprouts come up, watch the plants develop and make the connection of growing plants that show up on the dinner table,” Arcadia’s operations manager Bill Jones said.

“This is real life science… School gardens lead to home gardens which leads to more people making our environment a priority,” said Jackson. “Gardening brings so many rewards and life lessons. If I had it my way, there would be gardens in every school and community.  It’s just a start.”

“A strong garden will eventually play a significant role in supporting the physical and emotional well-being of our Cheatham family and beyond,” Pashley said. “The garden may begin at Cheatham, but our hope is to see its effects throughout the Laveen community.”




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Immunizations Required for 11-Year-Olds

The Arizona Department of Health Services requires that all 11-year-old children obtain two adolescent vaccines, Tdap and Meningococcal (MCV4), or provide a valid exemption. These new immunizations are important as they will provide protection against serious illness.

Tdap is a combination vaccine that provides protection against three bacterial diseases — Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis (Whooping Cough). Meningococcal prevents against four types of bacterial meningitis.

Parents should review their child’s immunization records. If these vaccinations have not been received, the child should obtain the vaccination at either their doctor’s office or an immunization clinic. Proof of immunizations will need to be received before the student can begin school.

Children who are not yet 11 will be required to get the new immunizations once they turn 11.

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Cheatham to Host Community Forum May 18

Cheatham School will be hosting a virtual community forum on May 18 at 4:00 p.m.

The agenda will include the following topics:

• Student Discipline Data
• Race-based Disproportionality
• Strategies to Strengthen the Home/School Partnership
The meeting will be hosted via a livestream link, and parents/community members will have the opportunity to ask questions and give input.
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